

I am Ashley Story, a memoir photographer writer, and filmmaker exploring love, spirituality, birth, mystery, motherhood, and the creative life.

Where should we go next?

My goal is to make one honest photograph at a time until you hold a stack of memories that are true to you, without my fingerprints on them.

— click any image below to find out more about my wedding photography services and inquire about working together.

In my experience, my writing work has grown thanks to two things: my own daily practice and the consistent companionship with other trustworthy writers. Through mentorship, I come alongside a few handfuls of writers each year to guide them into the depths of the craft. I hope you will join me.


For the last eighteen years I have been telling stories full-time with a camera in my hand. As a memoirist, I am ever in search of those moments that can’t be posed or recreated, but are lived once and only once. My hope is you live them fully and with abandon. My hope is my images will ensure you never forget.

I am an archivist and a time traveler.

In my experience writing, photography, and filmmaking have been ways to make sense of being a human who was born finite. With words on a page I get to live twice. With a camera in my hand, I capture a moment otherwise lost to time.

In creating tangible stories, I seek out the parts of the human experience that are universal and, yet, somehow individual. Then I give them away and say,

“These are the moments I cannot forget.”

I believe there is something healing and holy hiding in sentences and stacks of photographs. I believe storytelling (and listening) belongs to everyone and anyone can find their way home when a true story is told.

At least, it’s been that way for me. I hope that for you, too.