I started Love Notes because I was frustrated.

Once upon a time I had a penpal project. I ditched social media for 2 years and invited people to become my penpals, via good old fashioned snail mail. The result was incredible but, over time, became overwhelming. I never expected to receive so many letters from so many souls all over the world and, to be honest, I bit off more than I could chew and ended up struggling to write everyone back. After going back to social media it was clear that the model of communicating via Instagram wasn’t enough. Too few characters, too much pressure to maintain some kind of curated presence, it lacked the humanity I needed. So I started Love Notes, my way of being able to be a “pen pal” to my dear friends, old and new, and to be able to share more than I would on a more limited platform. You receive the first Love Note when you sign up for the mailing list. These are the ones that came after that. Click on the No. to read it. And most importantly, if you ever feel so inclined, click the red button at the top of the page (right up there ^) to write me back. I promise to read it, give it space and heart, and do my darnedest to write you back. With Love, Ash.

*also, thanks to my husband as well as our dear friend / next door neighbor Nate Kaiser for the photos below.

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You are more than what you haven’t done.


Somehow it’s enough.

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Reach out your hand.

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How are you holding up?

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When life hands you a digital tapeworm…

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We really don’t have that kind of time.