The first most important step is to show up.

The two things that have been the most important in my work as a writer have been daily practice and companionship with safe and supportive writing partners. When I stop being consistent at the page, my work flails. When I lack the support and safety of another writer, my accountability wanes. The first one, the daily work of showing up, is up to you. The second bit is where I come in.

Hosting the In Good Company writing mentorship is one of my most favorite things. I believe that everyone is born a writer and some of us get knocked off course or wounded along the way. We lose that access to our true voice that used to come as quick and easy as a reflex.

My aim with In Good Company is to help remove some of the scar tissue that stands between your voice and the words that are meant to be born through you and only you.

How it works: For one month you will receive a weekly video lesson in your inbox guiding you through the head and heart of the craft. Through stories, an incredible textbook, exercises, and a supportive small like-minded group, we will dig into the places that have long needed attention in order for your writer-self to grow. Most importantly, we will show up consistently and watch what happens when attention and presence create room for the words to flow.

Got that? 4 weeks, 4 lessons, self-paced, supportive, accountable, and consistent. The cost is $300 per person and space for each mentorship term is very limited to eight writers. Winter term will begin January 1, 2022.

Every level and kind of writer is welcome to be a part of this mentorship. If you think this might be the right thing at the right time for your writing-self, please fill out the form below and I will be in touch as soon as the next one launches.